Sunday, January 29, 2023

Introductory post

     Hi, my name is Caeden Erickson, a senior at Virginia Tech. So far for wine experience I have only ever tried a few sips of red wines and had some white wine. I prefer less bitter drinks so most of the red wines I have tried I wasn't a fan of. However, the white wines I tried I thought were fairly good. For drinking in general, I normally drink rum based mixers or seltzers, mainly airing towards the side of sweetness instead of an alcohol taste. My favorite wines that I've had so far were prosecco and a rose that I don't remember the name of.

    I am taking this class for three main reasons. Firstly, I want to be knowledgeable enough in the linguistics of wine to be able to hold a conversation about it with other people when I am older. I think as Professor Boyer has mentioned wine itself seems really intimidating whether that be ordering it at a restaurant or hearing the different words like dry or terroir being used to describe a drink. Hence why I want to be able to linguistically understand so I'm not scared of saying something dumb or not understanding what others are talking about.

    The second reason I wanna learn it is because I want spend time with my friends in my last semester doing a fun class we can all take together. Since a lot of us are different majors we haven't been able to take many if not any classes together so we are all looking forward to this class this semester.

    The last reason I wanted to take this class was because I want to have a better appreciation for wine. Mainly for wine and food pairings and also as a drink I haven't really put too much effort into for enjoyment in the past. I think this class will definitely help with that, especially by making these blog post about the wines I try so I can try to get better at describing and tasting the differences from wine to wine.

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